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It is a natural law that we get what we put our attention on.

Police forces are always trying to fight crime, to reduce crime, to mitigate crime, to stop crime. And what do we have? Crime.

If they put their attention on honesty and bringing about a more honest environment, we would have honesty. Crime would disappear.

The manager who is focused on ridding the environment of incompetence, mistakes, financial shortcomings, and deficiencies is buried in these things.

The manager who focuses on training and an improved scene is on the track to prosperity. Errors, deficiencies and the rest simply disappear.

So it is with Risk Management. We put our attention on personnel risks, company risks, structural risks, economic risks and what do we have? An environment molded by concern about risk – which is the root of all risks.

To vanquish risk we put our attention on optimization of resources.

It means correct hiring protocols, training people on their jobs, effective organization structure, exchanging valuable products in abundance within the group itself and with the public the company serves, and common sense well applied.

We strive for orderly progress made in a predictable way that maintains an environment where people love to go to work, and can’t wait for Mondays.

Risk is a factor in any job or function in the society, but focusing on these is an exercise in futility. The good manager wants productivity, not risk. Putting his attention on enhancement is a better investment of resource, and the road to vanquishing risk.

The motto here is: “Put attention on what you want, not on what you are trying to prevent.”



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