The Personal MatriX Profile™

Someone cannot see his own house by looking out its front windows.  He must get out of his house and look back to see it.

The Personal MatriX Profile™ (PXP) allows one to get out of his own house and look at it.  This view is revelatory as one is never aware of his own behavior, and of the way this behavior influences the environment around him. The PXP also allows Managers and Trainers to identify areas in need of enhancement with their personnel.

A business, for example, is a reflection of the profile of its creator.  If this creator has a deficiency in, for example, his ability to listen, this inability will reflect through his business and becomes a problem he can only see in others.  He sets a bad example that is, in its essence, unjust. This injustice becomes a camouflaged risk which has onerous overtones. Injustice is the source of riots

The Profile is not a picture of the person, but of the behavior “package” he uses to resolve his life’s issues. It can change with his decision to do so – but one cannot change those things about which he is not aware. There is nothing “private” about what the profile reveals. He is, ironically, the last person in the environment to discover these things that everyone around him already knows.

This is a personal SWOT analysis. SWOT means “Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats.”  When the profiles of a team are analyzed, the SWOT of the team becomes visual and profoundly educational.

We invite you, the manager, to engage with this profile and ask another in your company who you know well to do the same.  We will evaluate the profiles and give you feedback to their content, and make a suggestion or two that you would find valuable and practical.

These results would be delivered by way of Skype in a face-to-face session with one of our evaluators.

Know the truth, and the truth will set you free.

Watch this 7 minute video on the PXP below.

